DaLiCo Glossary

DaLiCo Glossary / Kristin Ameis, Christine Gläser, Hanna Käfer, Ulrike Spree

Last change date05/08/2021
Date of creation03/12/2024
Contact mailulrike.spree@haw-hamburg.de
Keywordsdata literacy
ScopeDaLiCo Glossary (Dataliteracy in Context Glossary) is a collection of relevant key concepts in the field of data literacy (education) developped in cooperation with the partners from the ERASMUS+ Project "Data Literacy in Context" (DaLiCo) (https://dalico.info/about/). It is structured as a thesaurus following the DIN ISO 25964 Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies - Part 1: Thesauri for Information retrieval. The thesaurus draws on the following keys and abbreviations to denote relationships between terms: <>: Indicates that this term is a “meta-term” meaning it is only used for hierarchical purposes. Deviating from the Thesaurus norm the metaterms below are used to assign references to facets. BT: Broader Term – Indicates the “parent” of the term, in the hierarchical tree structure. BTG: Broder Term Generic - is used when a generic is_a relation between the "parent" of the term exists. The generic relationship is the link between a class or category and its members or species. NT: Narrower Term – Indicates the “child” of the term, in the hierarchical tree structure. NTG: Narrower Term Generic - is used when a generic is_a "child" of relation exists. RT: Related Term – Indicates any terms that are related in meaning or in scope to the term being viewed. USE: Use reference - Indicates that the current terms is "Non-preferred" and that it should not be used for indexing purposes. UF: Used for - references to non-preferred equivalent term(s) Translations of the terms into dutch, german, hungarian and spanish are referenced as specialized UF Relations. UFDE - references the German translation UFES - references the Spanish translation UFHU - references the Hungarian translation UFNE - refernces the Dutch translation If you wish to receive a download in SKOS-format feel free to get in touch with the contact mail.
PublisherThe definitions of terms are based on the discussion within the project group. A list of used resources can be found at https://dalico.info/resources/
RightsThis work is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Terms2815 Show recent changes
    Non-preferred terms2332
    Hierarchical relationships278
    Associative relationships594
    Scope note96
    Cataloger's note3
    Historical note1
    Bibliographic note13
    Definition note158
    Example note3
    SPARQL endpointhttp://www2.bui.haw-hamburg.de/tematres/vocab/sparql.php
    Powered byTemaTres 3.1

    Global organization of the vocabulary

    Terms for each depth level

    Preferred terms / Alternative terms

    Hierarchical relationships / Associative relationships