DaLiCo Glossary

data stewardship

data stewardship

“The most common label to describe accountability and responsibility for data and processes that ensure effective control and use of data assets. Stewardship can be formalized through job titles and descriptions, or it can be a less formal function driven by people trying to help an organization get value from its data.”

Source: International, D. (2017). DAMA-DMBOK: Data management body of knowledge. Technics Publications, LLC.

"Knowledge and skills required to effectively manage data assets. This includes the oversight of data to ensure fitness for use, the accessibility of the data, and compliance with policies, directives and regulations."

Source: Statistics Canada. (2020). Data literacy competencies. Canada.ca. Online: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/wtc/data-literacy/compentencies

“The most common label to describe accountability and responsibility for data and processes that ensure effective control and use of data assets. Stewardship can be formalized through job titles and descriptions, or it can be a less formal function driven by people trying to help an organization get value from its data.”

Source: International, D. (2017). DAMA-DMBOK: Data management body of knowledge. Technics Publications, LLC.

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  • Search data stewardship  (Wikipedia)
  • Search data stewardship  (Google búsqueda exacta)
  • Search data stewardship  (Google scholar)
  • Search data stewardship  (Google images)
  • Search data stewardship  (Google books)