Asssessing the desired outcome(s) for presenting the data.
Assessing audience needs and familiarity with subject(s). Planning the appropriate presentation type. Presenting arguments and/or outcomes clealy and coherently. According to Ridsdale these competencies are rated as core competencies.
DaLiCo Team (2022).
Chantel Ridsdale, Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., & Wuetherick, B. (2015). Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education: Knowledge Synthesis Report [Report].
Asssessing the desired outcome(s) for presenting the data.
Assessing audience needs and familiarity with subject(s). Planning the appropriate presentation type. Presenting arguments and/or outcomes clealy and coherently. According to Ridsdale these competencies are rated as core competencies.
DaLiCo Team (2022).
Chantel Ridsdale, Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., & Wuetherick, B. (2015). Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education: Knowledge Synthesis Report [Report].