the ability to know how to access and import data into applications that are able to explore the data. Data is accessible in various formats. A typical form is a comma-separated values (.csv) file, which is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. However, data is increasingly stored extenally instead of locally. It includes knowledge on how to exchange data between different devices and applications and requires knowledge on filetypes like XML or JSON and on suitable application programming interfaces (API) .
Source: DaLiCo Team (2022).
the ability to know how to access and import data into applications that are able to explore the data. Data is accessible in various formats. A typical form is a comma-separated values (.csv) file, which is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. However, data is increasingly stored extenally instead of locally. It includes knowledge on how to exchange data between different devices and applications and requires knowledge on filetypes like XML or JSON and on suitable application programming interfaces (API) .
Source: DaLiCo Team (2022).