Under this category fall all competencies related to the actual responsible and professional dealing with the data themselves.
DaLiCo Team (2022).
Chantel Ridsdale, Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., & Wuetherick, B. (2015). Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education: Knowledge Synthesis Report [Report]. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1922.5044
Under this category fall all competencies related to the actual responsible and professional dealing with the data themselves.
DaLiCo Team (2022).
Chantel Ridsdale, Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., & Wuetherick, B. (2015). Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education: Knowledge Synthesis Report [Report]. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1922.5044