SoSe 2007 - English for Librarians - Spree - Exercises

Exercise 4: Three minutes presentation

  • You practice presentation techniques in English

Please work in teams of two students.You have 20 minutes to prepare an off-the-cuff speech on one of the following topics:

A Preparation Plan a short talk (three or four minutes) on the topic of student funding in Germany. Decide what information you need to give to listeners who are unfamiliar with the system. This might include such questions as:

B Preparation Plan a short talk (three or four minutes) on the topic "strengths of the BA course LIS (BIM) at the Department Information of the HAW Hamburg":

Practice Give your talk to another team that prepared another topic than you. They should take notes and ask questions at the end about points that are unclear or need expansion. Then look at their notes. Have they understood all your main points? Have they recognised your signposts? Think about questions they asked; could you change the structure or the detail to make the ideas clearer?
Then exchange roles with the other team. Decide which talk you want to present in front of the whole group.


Have a nice time
Ulrike Spree