STN Database Summary Sheet


INFODATA is a bibliographic database containing the relevant German and international literature in the field of information science and information work.

The records in this file contain bibliographic and indexing information, and abstracts.

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File Data

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Database Producer

Fachhochschule Potsdam
Informationszentrum fuer Informations-
wissenschaft und -praxis
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 4
D-14467 Potsdam
Copyright Holder

Database Supplier

FIZ Karlsruhe P.O. Box 2465 D-76012 Karlsruhe Germany Phone: (+49) 7247/808-555 Fax: (+49) 7247/808-131 e-mail:

Search and Display Field Codes

There are no fields that allow left truncation in this file.

				   |Search    |                                 |Display
Search Field Name                  |Code      |Search Examples                  |Codes   
Basic Index (contains single       |None      |S COMMUNICATION POLICY           |AB, CT, CTDE,
 words from the title (TI),        |(or /BI)  |S DICTIONARY (S) ARCHIV?         |NA, ST, TI
 abstract (AB), controlled         |          |S ONLINE SYSTEM#                 |
 term (CT, CTDE), supplementary    |          |S MMDBMS                         |
 term (ST), and name (NA)          |          |                                 |
 fields)                           |          |                                 |
Accession Number                   |/AN       |S 20000701749/AN                 |AN
Author (1)                         |/AU       |S KUHLEN, R?/AU                  |AU
Classification Codes (in English)  |/CC       |S H05/CC                         |CC
 (code and text) (2)               |          |S LITERATURE DOCUMENTATION/CC    |
Classification Codes in German     |/CCDE     |S LITERATURDOKUMENTATION/CCDE    |CCDE
 (code and text)                   |          |                                 |
Controlled Term (in English)       |/CT       |S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/CT      |CT
Controlled Term  in German         |/CTDE     |S INDEXIERUNGSVERFAHREN/CTDE     |CTDE
Corporate Source                   |/CS       |S (UNITED(S)NATIONS)/CS          |AU, CS
Country of Publication             |/CY       |S FRANCE/CY                      |CY
 (code and text)                   |          |S FR/CY                          |
Document Type                      |/DT       |S TEXTBOOK/DT                    |DT
 (code and text)                   |          |S TB/DT                          |
Entry Date (3)                     |/ED       |S L1 and ED>=20000100            |Not displayed
				   |(or /UP)  |                                 |
Journal Title                      |/JT       |S AI COMMUNICATIONS/JT           |JT, SO
Journal Title Code                 |/JTC      |S 1031/JTC JTC, SO               |
Language                           |/LA       |S ITALIAN/LA                     |LA
 (ISO code and text)               |          |S IT/LA                          |
Meeting Date (3)                   |/MD       |S 199990100-20000600/MD          |MD, SO
Meeting Year (3)                   |/MY       |S 1996/MY AND HAMBURG/SO         |MD, SO
Name                               |/NA       |S DEUTSCHES PATENTAMT/NA         |NA
Number of Report                   |/NR       |S BMFT/NR                        |NR
 (number and prefix)               |          |S AGARD-CP-416/NR                |
Order Number                       |/ON       |S 97-00009/ON                    |ON
Publication Date (3)               |/PD       |S 19990000/PD                    |PY, SO
Publication Year                   |/PY       |S 1996-1997/PY                   |PY, SO
Source (contains journal title,    |/SO       |S (RESEARCH(S)DEVELOPMENT)/SO    |SO
 titles of higher level, ISBN,     |          |S 0169-7552/SO                   |
 ISSN, publishing data, meeting    |          |S EDUCATION FOR INFORMATION/SO   |
 information, number of report)    |          |                                 |
Supplementary Term                 |/ST       |S MESSENGER/ST                   |ST
Treatment Code                     |/TC       |S NUMERICAL DATA/TC              |TC
 (code and text)                   |          |S H/TC                           |
Title (4)                          |/TI       |S (DATABAS? OR DATA BAS?)/TI     |TI

(1) Author name may be linked to the job function, e.g., Editor, Adapter,
    Reviewer, Contributor, by use of the (S) operator.
(2) Codes and text were changed by the database producer in 1988. Citations
    from 1976 - 1987 contain text (SEARCH) and codes (SEARCH and DISPLAY) of
    the new classification.
(3) Numeric search field that may be searched using numeric operators or ranges.
(4) Titles of higher level, e.g., the title of a book in a record of a book
    article, are available in /SO.


Any combination of display formats may be used to display or print answers. Multiple codes must be separated by commas or spaces, e.g., D L1 1-5 TI AU. The fields are displayed or printed in the order requested.

Hit-term highlighting is available for all fields except JTC. Highlighting must be ON during SEARCH in order to use the HIT, KWIC, and OCC formats.

Format     |Content                                        |Examples  
AB (1)     |Abstract                                       |D AB
AN (1)     |Accession Number (includes ON and Call No.)    |D 1-3 AN
AU         |Author                                         |D AU
CC (1)     |Classification Code (in English)               |D CC
CCDE (1)   |Classification Code in German                  |D CCDE
CS         |Corporate Source (includes AU)                 |D CS
CT (1)     |Controlled Term (in English)                   |D CT
CTDE (1)   |Controlled Term in German                      |D CTDE
CY (1)     |Country of Publication                         |D CY TI
DT (1)     |Document Type (includes TC)                    |D DT
JT (2)     |Journal Title                                  |D JT
JTC (1,2)  |Journal Title Code                             |D JTC JT
LA (1)     |Language                                       |D LA TI
MD (1,2)   |Meeting Date                                   |D MD 1 3 5
NA (1)     |Name                                           |D NA
NR         |Number of Report                               |D NR SO
ON         |Order Number (includes AN and Call No.)        |D ON TI
PY (PD) (2)|Publication Year                               |D PY 1-5
SO         |Source (includes NR)                           |D SO 1,3,5
ST         |Supplementary Term                             |D ST
TC         |Treatment Code (includes DT)                   |D TC DT
TI         |Title                                          |DIS TI 1-5
ALL        |AN, ON, Call No., TI, AU, CS, SO, NR, CY, DT,  |D 1-3 ALL
	   | TC, LA, AB, CC, CT, ST, NA                    |
ALLDE      |AN, ON, Call No., TI, AU, CS, SO, NR, CY, DT,  |D 4-6 ALLDE
	   | TC, LA, AB, CCDE, CTDE, ST, NA                |
BIB        |AN, TI, AU, CS, SO, NR, CY, DT, TC, LA         |D 5 BIB
	   | (BIB is the default)                          |D 5
IND (1)    |CC, CT, ST, NA                                 |D IND
INDDE (1)  |CCDE, CTDE, ST, NA                             |D INDDE
TRIAL (1)  |TI, CC, CT, ST, NA                             |D TRI
 (TRI)     |                                               |
TRIALDE    |TI, CCDE, CTDE, ST, NA                         |D TRIALDE
 (1)       |                                               |
HIT        |Fields containing hit terms                    |D HIT
KWIC       |Hit terms with 20 words on either side         |D KWIC
	   | (KeyWord-In-Context)                          |
OCC (1)    |Number of occurrences of hit terms and         |D OCC
	   | fields in which they occur                    |

(1) No online display fee for this format.
(2) Custom display only


The SELECT command is used to create E-numbers or an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.

The ANALYZE command is used to create an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.

The SORT command is used to rearrange the search results in either alphabetic or numeric order of the specified field(s).

				       |             |ANALYZE/      |
Field Name                             |Field Code   |SELECT (1)    |SORT
Abstract                               |AB           |Y             |N
Accession Number                       |AN           |Y             |N
Author                                 |AU           |Y             |Y
Classification Code (in English)       |CC           |Y             |Y
Classification Code in German          |CCDE         |Y             |Y
Controlled Term (in English)           |CT           |Y             |N
Controlled Term in German              |CTDE         |Y             |N
Corporate Source                       |CS           |Y             |Y
Country of Publication                 |CY           |Y             |Y
Document Type                          |DT           |Y             |Y
International Standard Book Number     |ISBN         |N             |Y
International Standard Serial Number   |ISSN         |N             |Y
Journal Title                          |JT           |Y             |Y
Journal Title Code                     |JTC          |Y (2)         |Y
Language                               |LA           |Y             |Y
Meeting Date                           |MD           |Y             |Y
Name (of persons and/or                |NA           |Y             |N
 institutions)                         |             |              |
Number of Report                       |NR           |Y (2)         |Y
Occurrence Count of Hit Terms          |OCC          |N             |Y
Publication Date                       |PD           |Y             |Y
Publication Year                       |PY           |Y             |Y
Source                                 |SO           |Y (3)         |N
Supplementary Term                     |ST           |Y             |N
Title                                  |TI           |Y (default)   |Y
Treatment Code                         |TC           |Y             |Y

(1)  HIT may be used to restrict terms extracted to terms that
     match the search expression used to create the answer set,
     e.g., SEL HIT CT.
(2)  SELECT HIT and ANALYZE HIT are not valid with this field.
(3)  Selects or analyzes ISSN and ISBN with /SO appended to the
     terms created by SELECT.

Sample Records

DISPLAY ALL AN 1999(10):2334 INFODATA ON: 1999-02334 (GMD-IZ) TI Widening the SCOPE. Higher education resources on-demand (HERON). AU Pickering, H. (Univ. of Stirling : Library, Stirling, GB); MacMenemy, D. (Univ. of Stirling : Library, Stirling, GB) SO Program. Electronic library and information systems. (1999) V. 33 (3) p. 213-223, 4 refs. 5 Url. ISSN: 0033-0337 CY United Kingdom DT Journal LA English AB The Scottish Collaborative On-demand Publishing Enterprise (SCOPE) was a project funded from 1995 to 1998 as part of the UK's Electronic Libraries (eLib) programme. SCOPE was involved with providing students with access to key course readings either via course packs or electronically via the Internet. The project achieved its aims of providing improved access, developing a model copyright permissions agreement, and developing a secure user-authentication and delivery method. At the end of the SCOPE Project, eLib accepted a bid from the project team and other partners to provide a national on-demand service, known as HERON (Higher Education Resources ON-demand). This has similar aims to SCOPE, but on a UK-wide scale with a view to start providing an active service in January 2000. (Autor) CC T05 Information and documentation T35 Lending, document supply L65 Cooperation S15 Legal problems S60 Typesetting, printing methods K60 Research and development CT University education; Information service; On-demand-publishing; Project; Cooperation; Copyright Geogr.Term(s): Great Britain; Scotland ST HERON = Higher Education Resources ON-demand NA SCOPE = Scottish Collaborative On-Demand Publishing Enterprise DISPLAY BIB AN 2000(7):1745 INFODATA ON: 2000-01745 (GMD-IZ) Call No.: 11 US2 358 TI Managing information technology ressources in organizations in the next millennium. 1999 Information Ressources Management Association International Conference, Hershey, PA, USA, May 16-19, 1999. AU Editor(s): Khosrowpour, M. SO Hershey, PA, US: Idea Group Publ.: 1999, 1142 p., zahlr. figs., zahlr. tabs., zahlr. refs. Conference: Information Rsources Management Association International Conference 1999, Hershey, PA, US, 1999.05.16-1999.05.19 Organizer(s): Information Resources Management Association, Boston, MA (US) ISBN: 1-878289-51-9 CY United States DT Book; Conference TC Numerical data (including statistics); (including examples) LA English DISPLAY IND CC T05 Information and documentation T15 Librarianship S05 National and regional infrastructure S10 Organizations and corporations L70 Telecommunication services CT Information service; Library service; Archivistics; Information system; National; Infrastructure; Corporation; Computer network; Integrated Geogr.Term(s): Jamaica ST NATIS = National Information Systems NA NACOLADS = National Council on Libraries, Archives and Document Services; UNESCO DISPLAY TRIAL TI Dialog classroom instruction program (CIP) implemented in a consortial academic library environment. CC T15 Librarianship T35 Research and development K30 Software S15 Cooperation S40 Training and education CT Academic library; Library automation; Software; Integrated; Library network; Inhouse information; Information retrieval; Instruction; Student; User training; Project management; Project Geogr.Term(s): USA; Maryland ST UMS = University of Maryland System; VICTOR NA University of Maryland

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