STN Database Summary Sheet


SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) is a bibliographic database covering European non-conventional (so-called grey) literature in the fields of pure and applied natural sciences and technology, economics, social sciences, and humanities. SIGLE also includes the FTN database for German grey literature, i.e., citations of reports on research projects in science and technology in Germany, published in the printed abstract journal Forschungsberichte aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik/Reports in the Fields of Science and Technology.

SIGLE is a cooperative project of EAGLE (European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation).

Records contain informative titles in English and/or in the original language, the author's name, the research organization or educational institution, the document's date of publication and type, number of pages, report numbers and language, as well as subject classifications. Many records include also keywords and abstracts. All SIGLE records include an availability statement.

This database is available in STN Easy. Customers may reach STN Easy in the following ways;

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Subject Coverage


File Data

User Aids

Database Producer

EAGLE (European Association
for Grey Literature Exploitation)
Postbus 90407
NL-2509 LK Den Haag
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 70/3140506
Fax:   (+31) 70/3140651
Copyright Holder: EAGLE and its
SIGLE Partners
Partner for Germany: FIZ Karlsruhe

Database Supplier

FIZ Karlsruhe P.O. Box 2465 D-76012 Karlsruhe Germany STNmail: HLPDESKK Phone: (+49) 7247/808-555 Fax: (+49) 7247/808-131 E-mail:

Search and Display Field Codes

There are no fields that allow left truncation in this file.

				|Search     |                                   |Display
Search Field Name               | Code      |Search Examples                    | Codes
Basic Index (contains single    |None       |S VAPOUR CLOUD                     |AB, CC, CCDE,
 words from the title (TI),     |(or /BI)   |S VERBRENNUNG                      |CCFR, ST, TI
 abstract (AB), classification  |           |                                   |
 code (CC, CCDE, CCFR), and     |           |                                   |
 supplementary term (ST)        |           |                                   |
 fields) (1)                    |           |                                   |
				|           |                                   |
Accession Number                |/AN        |S 1998:76126GB/AN                  |AN
Author (includes editors)       |/AU        |S KOENIG, G/AU                     |AU
				|           |S (THOMAS, N (S) EDITOR)/AU        |
Classification Code in English  |/CC        |S 13/CC                            |CC
 (code, main code, and text)    |(or /CCEN) |S 13A/CC                           |
				|           |S *12C/CC                          |
				|           |S (NUCLEAR (S) TECHNOLOGY)/CC      |
Classification Code in French   |/CCFR      |S (DETECTION (W) RADAR)/CCFR       |CCFR
 (code, main code, and text)    |           |                                   |
Classification Code in German   |/CCDE      |S (OPERATIONEN (S) TAKTIK)/CCDE    |CCDE
 (code, main code, and text)    |           |                                   |
Corporate Source                |/CS        |S BRITISH GAS?/CS                  |CS
				|           |S (WARREN (S) STEVENAGE)/CS        |
Country of Publication          |/CY        |S FRANCE/CY                        |CY
 (code and text)                |           |S DE/CY                            |
Document Type (code and text)   |/DT        |S C/DT                             |DT
				|(or /TC)   |S REPORT/DT                        |
Entry Date (2)                  |/ED        |S L1 AND ED>19990100               |Not displayed
				|(or /UP)   |                                   |
Language (code and text)        |/LA        |S DUTCH/LA                         |LA
				|           |S EN/LA                            |
Meeting Date (2)                |/MD        |S 19970100-19971231/MD             |SO
Meeting Year (2)                |/MY        |S 1997/MY AND LONDON/SO            |SO
Number of Contract              |/NC        |S S-SCU-12/NC                      |NC
				|           |S SSCU12/NC                        |
Number of Report                |/NR        |S CEPR-DP--196/NR                  |NR
 (number and prefix)            |           |S CEPR-DP/NR                       |
				|           |S CEPRDP196/NR                     |
Publication Date (2)            |/PD        |S 19990100-19990630/PD             |SO
Publication Year (2)            |/PY        |S 1998-1999/PY                     |SO
Source (contains series title,  |/SO        |S (VEROEFFENTL?(S)BINNENFISCH?)/SO |NC, NR, SO
 ISBN, ISSN, publisher,         |           |S CEPRDP196/SO                     |
 meeting information, number    |           |S SSCU12/SO                        |
 of contract, number of         |           |S (CONF?(S)LANGUAGE TEACH?)/SO     |
 report, publication year)      |           |S 0265-8003/SO                     |
				|           |S 3-519-02683-X/SO                 |
Supplementary Term              |/ST        |S SOUND ABSORBER#/ST               |ST
Title                           |/TI        |S AUTOMATIC ANALYSIS/TI            |TI
				|           |S ZWEIPHASENSYSTEM/TI              |

(1) Only the English words in the abstract are searchable.  Words in the
    original language abstract are not searchable.
(2) Numeric search field that may be searched using numeric operators or ranges.
(3) Titles of higher level, e.g., the  title of book in a record of a book
    article, are searchable in the Source (/SO) field.


Any combination of formats may be used to display or print answers. Multiple codes must be separated by spaces or commas, e.g., D L1 1-5 CO TI AU. The fields are displayed or printed in the order requested.

Hit-term highlighting is available for all fields except the non-English portion of AB, and AN, AU, CS, CY, DT, LA, NC, NR, and SO. Highlighting must be ON during SEARCH in order to use the HIT, KWIC, and OCC formats.

Format          |Content                                              |Examples
AB              |Abstract                                             |D TI, AB
AN (1)          |Accession Number                                     |D 1-5 AN
AU (1)          |Author                                               |D AU TI
CC (1)          |Classification Code                                  |D CC
CCDE (1)        |Classification Code in German                        |D CCDE
CCFR (1)        |Classification Code in French                        |D CCFR
CS (1)          |Corporate Source (includes AU)                       |D CS 2,4
CY (1)          |Country of Publication                               |D CY TI
DT (TC) (1)     |Document Type                                        |D DT
LA (1)          |Language                                             |D LA TI
NC (1)          |Number of Contract                                   |D NC
NR              |Number of Report                                     |D NR 2-6 10
SO              |Source (includes NR)                                 |D SO
ST (1)          |Supplementary Term                                   |D ST
TI (1)          |Title                                                |D TI 1-10
		|                                                     |
ABS             |AB                                                   |D TI ABS
ALL             |AN, TI, AU, CS, NC, NR, SO, DT, CY, LA, AB, CC, ST   |D 1-3 ALL
ALLDE           |AN, TI, AU, CS, NC, NR, SO, DT, CY, LA, AB, CCDE, ST |D ALLDE
ALLFR           |AN, TI, AU, CS, NC, NR, SO, CT, CY, LA, AB, CCFR, ST |D ALLFR
BIB             |AN, TI, AU, CS, NC, NR, SO, DT, CY, LA               |D 8 BIB
		| (BIB is the default)                                |D 8
IND (1)         |AN, CC, ST                                           |D IND
INDDE (1)       |AN, CCDE, ST                                         |D INDDE
INDFR (1)       |AN, CCFR, ST                                         |D INDFR
TRIAL (TRI) (1) |TI, CC, ST                                           |D TRIAL
TRIALDE (1)     |TI, CCDE, ST                                         |D TRIALDE
TRIALFR (1)     |TI, CCFR, ST                                         |D TRIALFR
		|                                                     |
HIT             |Fields containing hit terms                          |D HIT
KWIC            |Hit terms with 20 words on either side               |D KWIC
		| (KeyWord-In-Context)                                |
OCC (1)         |Number of occurrences of hit terms and               |D OCC
		| fields in which they occur                          |

(1) No online display fee for this format.


The SELECT command is used to create E-numbers containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.

The ANALYZE command is used to create an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.

The SORT command is used to rearrange the search results in either alphabetic or numeric order of the specified field(s).

				     |            |ANALYZE/     |
Field Name                           |Field Code  |SELECT (1)   |SORT
Abstract                             |AB          |Y (2)        |N
Accession Number                     |AN          |Y (3)        |N
Author                               |AU          |Y (3)        |Y
Classification Code in English       |CC          |Y            |Y
				     |CCEN        |Y (4)        |Y
Classification Code in French        |CCFR        |Y            |Y
Classification Code in German        |CCDE        |Y            |Y
Corporate Source                     |CS          |Y (3)        |Y
Country of Publication               |CY          |Y (3)        |Y
Document Type                        |DT          |Y (3)        |Y
International Standard Book Number   |ISBN        |N            |Y
International Standard Serial Number |ISSN        |N            |Y
Language                             |LA          |Y (3)        |Y
Number of Contract                   |NC          |Y (3)        |Y
Number of Report                     |NR          |Y (3)        |Y
Occurrence Count of Hit Terms        |OCC         |N            |Y
Publication Date                     |PD          |N            |Y
Publication Year                     |PY          |N            |Y
Source                               |SO          |Y (3,5)      |N
Supplementary Term                   |ST          |Y            |N
Title                                |TI          |Y (default)  |Y
Treatment Code                       |TC          |Y (3,6)      |Y

(1)  HIT may be used to restrict terms extracted to terms that
     match the search expression used to create the answer set,
     e.g., SEL HIT CC.
(2)  Appends /BI to the terms created by SELECT.
(3)  SELECT HIT and ANALYZE HIT are not valid with this field.
(4)  Appends /CC to the terms created by SELECT.
(5)  Selects number of report, number of contract, ISBN, ISSN,
     title, and publication date with /SO appended to the
     terms created by SELECT.
(6)  Appends /DT to the terms created by SELECT.

Sample Records

DISPLAY ALL AN 1999:2007DE SIGLE TI Leptogenesis and inflation. AU Delepine, D. CS Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (DE) NR DESY--99-002; HEP-PH--9901236 SO Jan 1999. 6 p. Availability: Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2999(98-002). Conference: SEWM '98: International conference on strong and electroweak matter, Copenhagen (Denmark), 2-5 Dec 1998 ISSN: 0418-9833 DT Report; Conference CY Germany, Federal Republic of LA English AB In this talk, we studied the implication of the constraint on the reheating temperature coming from the gravitino problem on models of leptogenesis. We point out that in supersymmetric extensions of the standard model, all existing models of neutrino masses and leptogenesis, except the one with right-handed singlet neutrinos are ruled out for a large range of the gravitino mass. (orig.) CC *20O Astrophysics (1990-) ST COSMOLOGY; LEPTON PRODUCTION; SUPERGRAVITY; SPARTICLES; SUPERSYMMETRY; GRAND UNIFIED THEORY; NEUTRINOS; ELEMENTARY PARTICLE MASS DISPLAY BIB AN 1999:14478GB SIGLE TI Microstructural development in a commercial aluminium lithium alloy. AU Hung, R.L.C. CS Brunel Univ., Uxbridge (GB) SO Jan 1999. 220 p. Thesis (Ph.D.). Availability: Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DX185232. DT Dissertation CY United Kingdom LA English DISPLAY IND AN 1999:11997GB SIGLE CC *06M Microbiology 06A Biochemistry ST Gel electrophoresis; Viable counts DISPLAY TRIAL TI Response to common peroneal nerve stimulation following stroke. CC *06P Human physiology 06E Clinical medicine 06B Bio-engineering including biotechnology ST Gait; Spasticity; Physiotherapy

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