Left truncation is available in the following fields: CT and ME.
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| Search | | Display Search Field Name | Code | Search Examples | Codes --------------------------------|---------|---------------------------|-------------- Basic Index (contains single |None |S AKADEMIKER? |TI, AB, ABME, words from TI, AB, ABME, CT, | (or /BI)|S GESSELLSCHAFT? AND | CT, ME ME) (1) | | WISSENSCHAFTSENTWICKL? | | |S UNWELTPOLITI?(L) | | | ENTSCHEIDUNG? | | |S INHALTSANALYS?(S) | | | DISSERTATION | Author (staff, project leader, |/AU |S BELITZ-DEMIRIZ, H?/AU |AU mentor) (2) | (/SF) |S (BELITZ-DEMIRIZ?(S) | | | BEARBEITER)/AU | | |S (VOIGT, D?(S)LEITER)/AU | | |S (MAYNTZ,?(S)BETREUER)/AU | Classification Codes (code and |/CC |S K01303/CC |CC text in German) | |S (SOZIALE(S)SCHICHTUNG)/CC| | |S INDUSTRIESOZIOLOGIE/CC | Corporate Source (contains CSP, |/CS |S (UNIVERSITAET(S)BOCHUM) |CSS, CSSC CSS, CSPC, CSSC) (3) | | /CS,CSP,CSPC | | |S HAMBURG/CS | | |S SOZIOLOGIE/CS | | |S (BUNDESMINIS?(L) | | | FORSCHUNG)/CS | | |S GEWERKSCHAFT/CS | Performing Organization (name) |/CSP |S UNIVERSITAET BOCHUM?/CSP |CSP Performing Organization Code |/CSPC |S ESELLSCHAFTSWISS?/CSPC |CSPC (classifying descriptors) | |S UNI/CSPC | Supporting Organization (name) |/CSS |S LAND NORDRHEIN-WESTF?/CSS|CSS | | | Supporting Organization Code |/CSSC |S BUND?/CSSC |CSSC (classifying descriptors) | | | Controlled Term (*) |/CT |S UNTERNEHMENSKULTUR/CT |CT | |S (WISSENSCHAFT(L) | | | ENTWICKLUNG)/CT | | |S ?ELITE/CT | Duration Begin, Date |/DB |S 840600/DB |DB Duration Begin, Year |/DBY |S 1984<=DBY |DB Duration End, Date |/DE |S 881100/DE |DE Duration End, Year |/DEY |S 1988<=DEY |DE Duration (in months) |/DU |S 50<=DU |DU Duration Note (controlled |/DUN |S GEPLANT/DUN |DUN vocabulary) | |S ABGESCHLOSSEN/DUN | Investigated Period, Begin |/IB |S 1950<=IB |IB Investigated Period, End |/IE |S 1980>=IE |IE | |S 1933<=IB AND 1945>=IE | Information Provider |/IP |S IZ-ERHEBUNG?/IP |IP Method (*) (contains vocabulary |/ME |S BIOGRAPHISCH?/ME |ME of methods, vocabulary of | |S EMPIRISCH/ME | evaluation, availability of | |S INFERENZ/ME | machine-readable data) | |S MAGNETBAENDER/ME | Reference (bibliographic |/RE |S (KOELN?(W)ZEITSCHRIFT)/RE|RE citations, unpublished papers) | | | Reference Type |/RET |S VEROEFFENTL?/RET |Not displayed Status (4) |/STA |S R/STA AND 880830>=UP |STA Survey Year |/SUY |S 1985-1988/SUY |SUY Title of Project |/TI |S (POLITISCHE?(W)SYSTEM? |TI | | AND SOZIALSTRUKTUR)/TI | Type of Project |/TP |S AUFTRAGSFORSCHUNG/TP |TP | (/DT) | | Terms of Universe |/TU |S WISSENSCHAFTLER/TU |TU Update |/UP |S 880601<=UP |UP | (/ED) | | (1) Hit-term highlighting is available (2) Searching in field /AU can be specified for the person's function: "Bearbeiter" (staff), "Leiter" (project leader), "Betreuer" (mentor) by use of the (S) operator (3) Names, kinds of institutions, ZIP code, locations and country code (ISO) are searchable (4) Updated projects can be searched with R/STA
Format | Content | Examples --------|----------------------------------------------|-------------- AB |Abstract |D TI AB ABME |Abstract of Methods |D ABME AN |Accession Number |D 1-5 AN AU |Author (Staff) |D TI AU CC |Classification Codes |D CC CT CSP |Performing Organization |D CSP CSPC |Performing Organization Code |D CSP CSPC CSS |Supporting Organization |D CSS CSP CSSC |Supporting Organization Code |D CSS CSSC CT |Controlled Terms |D CT CC DB |Duration Begin, Date |D DB DE DE |Duration End, Date |D DB DE DU |Duration |D DU DUN |Duration Note |D DUN IB |Investigated Period, Begin |D IB IE IE |Investigated Period, End |D IB IE IP |Information Provider |D IP ME |Method |D ME RE |Reference (Bibliographic Citations) |D RE STA |Status |D STA SUY |Survey Year |D AN SUY TI |Title of Project |D TI 1-10 TP |Type of Project |D TP TU |Terms of Universe |D TU UP |Update |D UP BIB |AN, SUY, TI, AU, CSP, DB, DUN, DE, DU, TP |D 8 BIB | (BIB is default) |D 8 USER |BIB, AB, ABME, RE, CSS, IP, CT, UP STA |D USER IND |AN, SUY, CC, CT, ME, TU |D IND TRIAL |TI, CC, CT, ME, TU |D TRI CS |AN, SUY, CSP, CSS, CSPC, CSSC |D CS METH |AN, SUY, TI, ABME, ME |D L5 METH ALL |BIB, IND, USER |D 1-3 ALL | |D ACC 861968 ALL HIT |Hit-term(s) and field(s) |D HIT KWIC |Up to 20 words before and after hit-term(s) |D KWIC | (KeyWord-In-Context) | OCC |Number of occurrences of hit-term(s) and |D OCC | field(s) in which they occur |SELECT, ANALYZE, and SORT Fields
The SELECT command is used to create E-numbers or an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.The ANALYZE command is used to create an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.
The SORT command is used to rearrange the search results in either alphabetic or numeric order of the specified field(s).
| |ANALYZE/ | Field Name |Field Code |SELECT (1) |SORT -------------------------------------|------------|------------|----------- Abstract |AB |Y |N Abstract of Methods |ABME |Y |N Accession Number |AN |Y |N Author (Staff) |AU |Y |Y Classification Codes |CC |Y |Y Controlled Terms |CT |Y |N Document Type (Type of Project) |DT |Y |Y Duration |DU |Y |Y Duration Begin, Date |DB |Y |Y Duration End, Date |DE |Y |Y Duration Note |DUN |Y |Y Entry Date |ED |Y |N Information Provider |IP |Y |Y Investigated Period, Begin |IB |Y |Y Investigated Period, End |IE |Y |Y Method |ME |Y |Y Occurrence Count of Hit Terms |OCC |N |Y Performing Organization |CSP |Y (2) |Y Performing Organization Code |CSPC |Y |Y Reference (Bibliographic Citations) |RE |Y |N Reference Type |RET |Y |Y Staff |SF |Y |Y Status |STA |N |Y Supporting Organization |CSS |Y |Y Supporting Organization Code |CSSC |Y |Y Survey Year |SUY |Y |Y Title of Project |TI |Y (default) |Y Type of Project |TP |Y |Y Update Date |UP |Y (3) |N (1) HIT may be used to restrict terms extracted to terms that match the search expression used to create the answer set, e.g., SEL HIT CT. (2) SELECT HIT and ANALYZE HIT are not valid with this field. (3) Appends /ED to the terms created by SELECT.Sample Records
DISPLAY BIB OF PROJECT AN 872437 FORIS SUY 1988 TI Anforderungen des Einsatzes neuer Technologien an das Arbeitsschutzsystem. AU LEITER: Proell, Ulrich, Dr. rer. pol. KONTAKT: Proell, Ulrich, Dipl.-Sozialwiss. 0231-128063 CSP Landesinstitut Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund (Rheinlanddamm 199, D-4600 Dortmund 1) DB Aug 1985 DE Okt 1988 DU 38 Monate TP Auftragsforschung; gefoerdert DISPLAY CS OF PROJECT AN 810611 FORIS SUY 1981 CSP Infratest Sozialforschung GmbH (D-8000 Muenchen 21, Landsberger Strasse 338); Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin GmbH Internationales Institut fuer Management und Verwaltung (D-1000 Berlin 42, Platz der Luftbruecke 1-3); Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes GmbH (D-4000 Duesseldorf, Hans-Boeckler-Strasse 39) CSS AUFTRAGGEBER: Bundesministerium fuer Arbeit und Sozialordnung (D-5300 Bonn 1, Rochusstrasse 1 Postfach); Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeit (D-8500 Nuernberg 2, Postfach) FINANZIERER: Auftraggeber CSPC Markt- und Meinungsforschung; gemeinnuetzig; gemeinnuetzig; international; Gewerkschaft; Gesellschaftswissenschaft; Gesellschaftswissenschaft; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Gesellschaftswissenschaft; Wirtschaftswissenschaft CSSC Bund; Bundeseinrichtung; AuftraggeberReturn to STN Database Summary Sheets Home Page
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