Citations are in German with titles in the original language.
The records contain bibliographic information and, for books from publishing houses, additional indexing information.
- A: Monographs and periodicals from the publishers' book trade - B: Monographs and periodicals from outside the publishers' book trade - C: Maps - G: Germanica and Translations - H: University publications, i.e., theses and postdoctoral publications - N: Cataloguing-in-Publication (replaced if cited in Part A or B, i.e., Pre-publication notifications for monographs and periodicals
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|Search | |Display Search Field Name |Code |Search Examples |Codes --------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------+-------------- Basic Index (contains |None |S WEISSBUCH DER EG KOMMISSION |CTC, CT, GC, single words from the title |(or /BI) |S 3.6a MISSION KAPUZINER |IT, TI, TS, (TI), title of series (TS), | |S SN MARANHAO | controlled term code (CTC), | | | geographic code (GC), | | | controlled term (CT), and | | | index term (IT) fields) (1,2) | | | | | | Basic Index Names (contains |/BIN |S LUTHER/BIN |AE, AS, AU, single words from the author |(or /AS) |S KONSTANZ?/BIN |CR, CS, TI (AU), author statement (AS), | | | corporate source (CS), and | | | cross reference (CR) | | | fields) (2) | | | | | | Accession Number |/AN |S 96790665603/AN |AN Author (2) |/AU |S SINNER, EBERHARD/AU |AE, AU, CR | |S B*OELL?/AU | Classification Code (2) |/CC |S 49/CC |CC (code, main code and | |S *39/CC | text in German) | |S LANDWIRTSCHAFT/CC | Controlled Term (2,3,4) |/CT |S AFRIKA: ALLGEMEINES/CT |CT, IT Controlled Term Code (3) |/CTC |S 16.5/CTC |CTC, IT Controlled Term Reference (2) |/CTR |S SOLDAT/CT,CTR |CTR Corporate Source (2) |/CS |S ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN?/CS |AE, CS Corporate Source Reference (2) |/CSR |S B*OELKOW?/CS,CSR |CSR Country of Publication (2) |/CY |S DD/CY |CY (code and text in German) | | | DBN Number |/ND |S 946743118/ND |ND Dissertation Information (2) |/DI |S (HEIDELBERG (S) DISS)/DI |DI Document Number |/DN |S 98,A01,0008/DN |DN | |S 99,N08/DN | Document Type |/DT |S REPORT/DT |DT (code and text in German) |(or /TC) |S J/DT | Entry Date (5) |/ED |S ED>OCT 1998 |Not displayed |(or /UP) | | Geographical Code (2,4) |/GC |S AA/GC |GC, IT | |S ZYPERN/GC | International Standard |/ISN |S 3-322-00342-6/ISN |SO (Document) Number (contains | |S 0042-1138/ISN | ISBN and ISSN) | | | Language (2) (code and text) |/LA |S FR/LA |LA | |S FRANZOESISCH/LA | Number of Report |/NR |S DESY!85-001/NR |NR | |S BMFT/NR | Publication Year (5) |/PY |S 1997-1998/PY |PB, PY Publisher (2) |/PB |S SUHRKAMP/PB |PB Source (contains titles of |/SO |S ILL/SO |SO journal supplements, earlier | |S LITERATURANGABEN/SO | and later titles, ISSN, | | | and ISBN) | | | Title (contains single words |/TI |S (ULTRASCHALL (S) |CR, SO, TI, from the title (TI), title | | ANALYSEVERFAHREN)/TI |TS of serial (TS), cross | |S PRAXISORIENTIERTE | reference (CR), ans source | | BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT)/TI | (SO) fields) (2) | | | Title of Serial (2) |/TS |S LECTURE NOTES IN CHEMISTRY?/TS | TS (1) Since announcing year 1986, a special rule for permuted indexing, RSWK, is used. The result is an indexing chain that is displayed in the Index Term (IT) field; the controlled terms of this chain are searchable with (W) proximity in the Basic Index. (2) All terms with a German Umlaut are searchable in two forms: the decomposed form, e.g., OE , and decomposed with an asterisk, e.g., B*OELL. The decomposed form with asterisk is displayed. (3) To view the controlled terms and their codes, display the IT field, e.g., CT Afrika: Allgemeines; Asien: Allgemeines; Lateinamerika: Allgemeines CTC 19.1av IT (19.1av- na) Afrika: Allgemeines; (19.1av- ia) Asien: Allgemeines; (19.1av- sa) Lateinamerika: Allgemeines (4) To view the location in the CT field together with the geographical code for the country, display the IT field, e.g., GC XA-CY ZYPERN; XA-IT ITALIEN; XA-MT MALTA; XB-IL ISRAEL; XC-MA MAROKKO IT (10.9b- 10.11e- XB-IL) Israel; Geldausgabeautomat; Standort; Adressbuch // (10.9b- 10.11e- XA-IT) Italien; Geldausgabeautomat; Standort; Adressbuch // (10.9b- 10.11e- XA-MT) Malta; Geldausgabeautomat; Standort; Adressbuch // (10.9b- 10.11e- XA-CY) Zypern; Geldausgabeautomat; Standort; Adressbuch // (10.9b- 10.11e- XC-MA) Marokko; Geldausgabeautomat; Standort; Adressbuch (5) Numeric search field that may be searched with numeric operators or ranges.
Hit-term highlighting is not currently available in this file.
Format |Content |Examples -------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------- AN (1) |Accession Number |D 1-5 AN AS |Author Statement (non-standardized) |D AS AU (1) |Author |D AU TI CC (1) |Classification Code |D CC CR |Cross Reference of Names |D CR CS (1) |Corporate Source |D CS CSR (1) |Corporate Source Reference |D CSR CT (1) |Controlled Term |D CT CTC (1) |Controlled Term Code |D CTC CTR (1) |Controlled Term Reference |D CTR CY (1) |Country of Publication |D CY DI |Dissertation Information |D DI DN |Document Number |D DN DT (1) |Document Type |D DT GC (1) |Geographical Code |D GC IT |Index Term (contains information from CT, CTC, GC) |D IT LA (1) |Language |D LA ND (1,2) |DBN Number |D ND NR |Number of Report |D NR PB (1) |Publisher (includes PY) |D PB PY (1,2) |Publication Year |D PY SO |Source |D SO TI (1) |Title |D TI 1-10 TS |Title of Serial |D TS | | ALL |AN, TI, AU, CS, , CSR, AS, NR, PB, SO, TS, DI, CR, |D 1-3 ALL | DT, CY, LA, CC, CT, CTC, CTR, GC, CTR, DN | BIB |AN, TI, AU, CS, AS, NR, PB, SO, TS, DI, CR, DT, DN |D 8 BIB | (BIB is default) |D 8 IND (1) |CC, CT, CTC, GC |D IND LIB (3) |AN, LIB-format, IT, CR, AE, DN |D LIB TRIAL (1) |AN, TI, AU, CS, PB, CC, CT |D TRIAL (1) No online display fee for this format. (2) Custom display only. (3) The format LIB is a library specific format without field codes as required for the ISBD format and similar to the format in the printed version.
The ANALYZE command is used to create an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set.
The SORT command is used to rearrange the search results in either alphabetic or numeric order of the specified field(s).
| |ANALYZE/ | Field Name |Field Code |SELECT |SORT --------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------- Accession Number |AN |Y |N Author |AU |Y |Y Author Statement |AS |Y |N Classification Code |CC |Y |Y Controlled Term |CT |Y |N Controlled Term Code |CTC |Y |N Corporate Source |CS |Y |Y Corporate Source Reference |CSR |Y |Y Cross Reference |CR |Y |N Country of Publication |CY |Y |Y DBN Number |ND |Y |Y Dissertation |DI |Y |Y Document Number |DN |Y |Y Document Type |DT |Y |Y Geographical Code |GC |Y |Y Index Term |IT |Y |N International Standard |ISBN |N |Y Book Number | | | International Standard |ISN |Y (1) |N (Document) Number | | | International Standard |ISSN |N |Y Serial Number | | | Language |LA |Y |Y Number of Report |NR |Y |Y Publication Year |PY |Y |Y Publisher |PB |Y |Y Source |SO |Y |N Title |TI |Y (default) |Y Title of Series |TS |Y |Y (1) Selects or analyzes ISBN and ISSN with /ISN appended to the terms created by SELECT.Sample Records
DISPLAY ALL AN (99)95610097X BIBLIODATA TI The locative alternation in German: its structure and acquisition. AU Brinkmann, Ursula AS Ursula Brinkmann PB Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : Benjamins, 1997. SO X, 289 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. ; 23 cm. - ISBN 90-272-2481-1 (Amsterdam) Pp. : hfl 158.00. - ISBN 1-55619-778-0 (Philadelphia) Pp. - Literaturverz. S. 269 - 281. TS (Language acquisition & language disorders ; 15) CY Niederlande LA Englisch CC *53 Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft CT Deutsch; Lokalisation; Verb CTC 11.2a; 11.2b GC XA-DE DEUTSCHLAND DN 99,G02,0286 DISPLAY LIB AN (99)955357756 BIBLIODATA Dietze, Joachim: Der Wortschatz Karl Mays : ein Frequenzw*oerterbuch zum Waldr*oeschen und zu Ardistan und Dschinnistan / Joachim Dietze. - Hildesheim ; Z*uerich ; New York : Olms, 1999. - 511 S. ; 21 cm. ISBN 3-487-10535-7 kart. : DM 98.00 (freier Pr.). Literaturverz. S. 508 - 511. IT: (12.2p- 11.3a- XA-DE) May, Karl: Das Waldr*oeschen oder die Verfolgung rund um die Erde; Worth*aeufigkeit; W*oerterbuch // (12.2p- 11.3a- XA-DE) May, Karl: Ardistan und Dschinnistan; Worth*aeufigkeit; W*oerterbuch AE: HST May, Karl : Waldr*oeschen May, Karl : Ardistan und Dschinnistan 99,A22,1749; 99,N03,0586 DISPLAY TRIAL AN (00)550547002 BIBLIODATA TI Kataloge der Universit*aetsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau AU Kehr, Wolfgang [Hrsg.]; Schubel, B*aerbel [Hrsg.] CS Universit*aetsbibliothek(31816-4) PB Freiburg i. Br. : Univ.-Bibliothek CC *03 Nachschlagewerke, Bibliographien 02 Schrift, Buch, Bibliothek, Information und Dokumentation CT Freiburg : Universit*aetsbibliothek; Katalog
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