Porträt des Hosts DATASTAR


The Dialog Corporation GmbH
Laupenstrasse 18a
CH-3008 Berne
Tel: +31 384 95 11
Fax: +31 384 96 75
Contact: customer_europe@dialog.com.


                               Zugang zu über 350 Datenbanken weltweit mit Wirtschafts-
                               und technischen Informationen


                              Web interface, DataStarWeb, and via
                              DataStar for Windows™.
                              Retrievalsprache: DSO (DataStar online)

Inhaltliches Spektrum:
                                Business News, Finanz- und Wirtschaftsinformationen, Recht (Schwerpunkt:
                                News on East & West Europe, Firmenübernahmen und Zusammenschlüsse)

                                Pharmazie, Medizin, Gesundheitswesen, Umwelt

                                Biowissenschaften, Biotechnologie, Chemische Industrie

                                Patente und Marken, Volltexte von europäischen Zeitungen


In den Worten von DATASTAR:
"News & Media
DataStar brings you economic, political, and business news from around the world. Special strengths are East and West European news.

Business & Finance
You'll improve company research with DataStar's 60+ databases of company directory information and financials. Coverage is international, and DataStar is a top-rated source of European company information. You'll also find industry intelligence; full-text reports on countries, companies, and markets; and the award-winning TradStat trade statistics service.

Law & Government
You'll have early knowledge of proposed European Union legislation affecting your industry, and be able to track an individual piece of legislation.

Medicine, Biosciences, and Healthcare
You'll appreciate DataStar's broad coverage, which encompasses forensic science, ethics, and alternative medicine, as well as biology, medicine, nursing, health, and healthcare.

DataStar will help you at every state of the drug pipeline, with an unbeaten collection of pharmaceutical sources.

You'll find excellent international coverage of chemical suppliers, markets, and end-user applications on DataStar, plus databases to support research.

Food & Agriculture
You'll find information on all parts of the food production chain on DataStar, from agriculture to product introductions.

Energy & Environment
DataStar databases will help you research environmental issues, and find data on hazardous substances.

Technology, Engineering, and Computing
You'll get your project off to a sound start by reviewing published literature from DataStar databases on computers, engineering, autos, and materials.

Social Sciences
You'll find education, psychology, and social science databases on DataStar."


DataStar New Users Guide


Help Desk
Erklärungen zu den Datenbanken (Datasheets) unter http://ds.datastarweb.com/ds/products/datastar/sheets/adoc.htm

diverse Servicedatenbanken, z. B.: CROS - Cross Database Search

CROS Index oder Verzeichnis aller Datenbanken, die über DataStar zugänglich sind.

 If you do not know where to start your search or which databases
 will provide the most information on your topic, CROS will be a good
 guide. It presents all the databases, either in one full list, or in
 subject groupings, or in your own choice of grouping and will give
 you a result for your search question in each database.
CROS is a directory only; you cannot print results here. Your search
 question can only consist of one step (up to 235 characters).
However, it is extremely useful as a guide: use it for simple search
 questions, and you will quickly get a good idea of the most
 productive databases.

Einsatz von CROS:

 - nicht vertrautes Themengebiet

 - sehr spezielle Anfrage

 - neuer Produktname

Beispiel CROS Session

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